What can the hygienist do for me?
The hygienists are a vitally important part of the team. They improve the health of your gums and help you to maintain them. They provide the best form of prevention. Hygienist treatment is often overlooked. It is, however, fundamentally the most important part of our service.
Gum disease is the commonest cause of tooth loss. Healthy gums are paramount to a healthy mouth. Dental plaque causes gum inflammation and later bone loss around teeth. It also contributes to dental decay. Clean mouths are healthy mouths. Those who regularly visit the hygienists have less dental disease and spend less money and less time at the dentist. Why not join our preventative programme, THE PRACTICE PLAN.
Hygienist Appointments Explained
This typically is good for patients that visit the Hygienist regularly every six months
Good for patients that haven't seen the Hygienist in a while and need a longer clean or those with staining.
Typically the dentist will advise if this treatment is necessary

Kasia Porebska
GDC 158084
Diploma in Dental Hygiene
Kasia has been working at the Practice since 2008, Kasia still enjoys working with Daniel as a Dental Nurse doing the more complicated treatments but has worked hard to gain her Hygienist qualifications.
Kasia enjoys reading, movies and traveling.
Karen Jones
GDC 5799
EDH 2001
Originally from Canada, Karen trained at Kings and has been working for Half Moon since 2014.
Karen loves Yoga, travel and reading.

Sharon Donnegan
GDC 4097
EDH 1991 Eastman
Sharon has lived and worked in the area for many years and been with us since 2005. Sharon works on Tuesdays,Wednesday, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays.
Outside interests:I am far too busy running around after my kids!
Conor Holsgrove
GDC 255787
Dip Hyg and Therapy 2014
Diploma in Dental Hygiene
Conor studied hygiene and therapy at Kings college hospital.
Conor enjoys going to the gym playing gold and being a dad to his new baby boy.