Practice Plan Emergency Assistance
If you have had an accident or are in need of out of hours dental assistance - Practice Plan maybe able to assist. For information please visit scheme.practiceplan.co.uk/patients or call 0300 303 5061.
When possible call Practice Plan before seeking treatment to obtain pre-authorisation. Pre-authorisation determines if an event or incident would be considered under the Scheme, such as an Emergency appointment or, if you have suffered Dental Trauma.
DON’T FORGET: Under the Scheme Rules, BOTH the costs of any callout fee and/or emergency temporary treatment provided may be considered and there is NO EXCESS charge
Please see click here for access to the Scheme Handbook for benefit levels, terms and conditions and also any forms you may need to make your claim.
To obtain pre-authorisation in the UK:
9.00am – 5.30pm, Monday to Thursday and 9.00am – 5.00pm on Friday, call the Scheme Assistance Team on:
0300 303 5061
Every effort will be made to find an appointment with a dentist near to where you are, please contact the Half Moon Dental Centre when we are open and inform us of the treatment you have received and we can arrange a check up for you and form a treatment plan if needed.
For pre-authorisation abroad call the emergency HELPLINE on
(0044) 1691 887955
Every effort will be made to find an appointment with a dentist near to where you are. To help source a dentist please have the following information available:
Whether transportation is available and distance prepared to travel
Any times unavailable to attend the practice